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Lunchtime Seminar - Developing trauma informed organisations - Northern Ireland update and a new toolkit

Venue: Zoom
Date: 2nd October 2024
Time: 12.00pm - 1.30pm

About this seminar

The seminar will provide:

A brief overview of the work of the  Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland’s (SBNI) Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) team.

Barriers and enablers to trauma informed implementation drawn from recently published (2024) NI research ‘We are on a journey – a progress report on Trauma Informed Approaches in NI’ by Dr Suzanne Mooney QUB.

An outline of the purpose of the SBNI Trauma Informed Organisational Toolkit, how it can support best practice, showcase trauma informed work across Northern Ireland and support further development in order to improve outcomes for those who use services and for our workforces.

The seminar will also outline next steps and workshops to support implementation of a Trauma Informed Approach.

Presented by:
Sheina Rigg, Implementation Manager, Trauma Informed Team, Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland
Dr Suzanne Mooney and Dr Montserrat Fargas, Queen’s University Belfast

All of the Social Care Council Lunchtime Seminars are free and open for anyone to attend. To reserve your place just click the button below.

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Further Info: Email Alison Shaw at: