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Building our research capacity

Where are we now?

The value of research and innovation to the social work and social care workforce cannot be overestimated. It is important to invest in research training and bolster the capacity for collaboration and partnerships as a pathway to innovation, sharing best practices and creating new knowledge to advance safe professional practice.

Within the Social Care Council, the ethos is one of collaboration, engagement and partnership with stakeholders. For the strategic research agenda this has meant progressing work to build the required infrastructure for a research and evidence partnership, and in doing so develop the strategic vision for what this agenda will look like from 2025 and beyond.

To do this the Social Care Council is developing a new partnership called the ‘Strategic Research and Evidence Partnership.’

Research and Evidence Partnership

The Research Evidence Partnership is a committee of the Social Care Council’s board and chaired by Professor Davy Hayes, Queen’s University Belfast.

The purpose of this Partnership is to create new links with the wider research infrastructure both locally and nationally, seek out research funding streams, identify the types of research and evidence that will inform policy and practice, explore gaps in our evidence and support the identification of strategic research and evidence priorities.

For details on the Partnerships’ Terms of Reference, membership, agendas, and meeting minutes go the Board Committees and Partnerships page.

Want to get involved in research?  

If you work in social work or social care, there are a number of training and development opportunities that you can avail of including a range of academic courses provided through the Ulster University, Queen’s University Belfast and the Open University.

A good step forward is applying to the Social Work Postgraduate Research Methods Programme provided by Ulster University, with employer support.

This offers:

– Post-qualifying modules for social workers.
– Postgraduate modules for service users, carers and others involved in social care research.

The programme provides modules designed to develop knowledge and skills relevant to social work research-related activity in Northern Ireland. It also aligns with the current Social work and social care research strategy.

It is accredited as part of the Professional in Practice Framework (PiP Framework) and assessed on a regular basis.

If you are a qualified social worker and wish to apply make contactthrough your employer’s social work training team or department to find out what funding is available.

Funding for staff of voluntary organisations, service users and carers who wish to apply is provided by the Social Care Council. If you are a service user or carer who is interested or know of someone who may be interested please contact Anne McGlade through for details.

Watch our videos to find out more

Professor Paula McFadden, Ulster University talks about the course

Professor Brian Taylor and Anne McGlade explain why this course is the one for you

Useful links

Research and Development Division of the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland.

National Institute and Care Research.

European Social Work and Social Care Research Association.

Centre for Research Equity Group.

Ulster University Research and Innovation.

Ulster University Social Work Research.

Queen’s University Research.

Queen’s University School of Social Sciences Research.

The Open University.

Practice Links University College Cork.

Scheduled maintenance

Due to scheduled maintenance on our online services ‘My Portal’ – anyone who wishes to start, progress or submit an application for registration will not be able to. These services will resume Wednesday 16 October 2024. Thank you for your patience.