To support the reform of the social care workforce, the Department for Health (DoH) have launched a new Social Care Workforce Strategy and the Care in Practice (CiP) Framework.
The Strategy’s vision is to: “develop a highly motivated, skilled, confident and value driven social care workforce who are recognised and valued for the contribution they make to service users and to society.”
The Social Care Workforce Strategy 2025-2035 includes seven priorities including; Priority 3: Social care practitioners will have access to qualifications and opportunities to develop and progress through on-going learning relevant to their role and function.
The new Care in Practice Framework has been designed to support social care practitioners to develop professionally by providing two interlinked pathways:
• a continuous professional learning pathway, and
• a qualification pathway to support your career progression.
See below for more information.
Care in Practice (CiP) Framework
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new graphic designed to illustrate the CiP Framework. Additionally, in the New Year, we will provide an interactive web resource aimed at enhancing your understanding and application of the framework.

Why are you interested in social care?
Choose below to reveal how these workforce reforms are relevant to you.
I am considering social care as a career
Soon there will be changes to what you need to do to enter the social care profession.
Things you need to know about
You will need to do three things – be registered, meet the Standards of Conduct and Practice for Social Care Workers and have the right values and attributes to work as a social care practitioner.
When you begin a career in social care you will have the opportunity to undertake a new work-based entrance level qualification, the Level 2 Certificate in Safe and Effective Practice within your first 6 months in the sector as part of your induction process. This includes all the important training you need to begin working in social care.
In line with the Care in Practice (CiP) Framework, you may then be supported by your employer to work towards the achievement of a higher level, work-based social care qualification aligned with your job role and career progression. See CiP Framework for more information on the range of qualifications available.
Our new Care in Practice (CiP) Framework provides a flexible continuous learning framework and qualifications pathway that puts you in charge of your professional development.
I am a social care manager
The new career framework will support the social care workforce to develop and thrive. If you manage social care practitioners in any way, you are required to support your staff to engage in continuous professional learning and development throughout their career.
Things you need to know about
All new social care staff, who are registering for the first time, will have the opportunity to complete a new work-based entrance level qualification called Level 2 Certificate in Safe and Effective Practice, within the first 6 months of commencing employment as part of their induction process.
In line with the Care in Practice (CiP) Framework, all new social care practitioners may then be supported by their employer to work towards the achievement of a higher level, work-based social care qualification aligned with their job roles and career progression. See CiP Framework for more information on the range of qualifications available.
Your regulatory responsibilities haven’t changed. You have a role in supporting safe and effective practice, by ensuring all staff have the learning and development they need to deliver quality care and support and the best outcomes for the people they support.
These changes provide a professional framework to support both you and your staff.
I am not a social care practitioner, but work in the health and social care system
Social care practitioners work shoulder to shoulder with other health professionals and are an integral part of the health and social care system. They are a very important workforce that ensure those most vulnerable in society are supported and cared for in their homes and communities.
Things you need to know about
These changes provide a professional framework to support the social care workforce in their continuous learning and development.
Often their contributions are overlooked and at times undervalued by others. These reforms encourage a change to that perception, recognise social care professionalism, expertise and value to the health and social system and society.
You will be expected to recognise the value and expertise of social care practitioners as a fellow health and social care professionals.
I am a social care practitioner
For social care practitioners soon there will be a career pathway to support your professional development within social care.
Things you need to know about
The new Care in Practice (CiP) Framework provides a flexible continuous learning framework and qualification pathway that puts you in charge of your professional development.
This new flexible CiP Framework supports your career pathway way through both formal social care qualifications and/or informal continuous professional learning on the job.
This continuous learning and development enables you, as a registered social care practitioner to:
– show that you are meeting your Standards of Conduct and Practice for Social Care Workers.
– become confident in your practice and to work safely and effectively.
I employ social care practitioners
The new career framework will help you to recruit and retain your professional social care workforce. If you employ social care practitioners you are required to support them in their professional learning and development throughout their career.
Things you need to know about
Know your standards – as an employer you need to be familiar with these and know your responsibilities. See Social Care Employer responsibilities for more information.
The Level 2 Certificate in Safe and Effective Practice, as a work-based qualification, is available for staff to complete, within the first 6 months of commencing employment. Then, in line with Care in Practice (CiP) Framework, practitioners can work towards the achievement of a higher level, work-based social care qualification aligned with their job role and career progression, depending on workforce need.
Ensure all social care practitioners have a learning and development plan in place that aligns with the new Care in Practice (CiP) Framework and ensures social care practitioners can meet their Standards of Conduct and Practice for Social Care Workers.
The new professional development CiP framework is underpinned by values-based recruitment and retention to support you to Develop, Train and Retain your staff. See Values Based Recruitment Toolkit for more information.
I use social care services
Social care practitioners make a difference to people’s lives across Northern Ireland. Reforms are underway to support this workforce’s professional development.
Things you need to know about
Your social care practitioner is part of a regulated profession, which means they register with the Social Care Council and work to a set of Standards.
As a service user, you may not notice a change, but a new Care in Practice (CiP) Framework has being developed to support social care practitioners in their continuous professional learning and development.
The CiP Framework includes a new entrance qualification to ensure social care practitioners are safe and competent to support your care needs. It also allows for flexibility between completing a qualification and/or on the job professional learning and development.
Want to find out more about the Social Care Council? We are here to protect you, the public and ensure professional social workers and social care workers are supported to deliver the best care, through safe and effective practice.
For more information:
If you have a question or want to know more, please email the workforce development team at: