Passionate about social justice and empowering people? Interested in making a difference? Join us on Friday 14 October for…
The opportunity to hear about what social work is, how to apply to study Social Work and hear about ‘a day in the life’ of a social worker.
You can join us for the full event or check in at any stage during the event to hear from individual speakers.
Running Order
- 10.30 Introduction – What is Social work?
- 10.40 Applying to study Social Work at Queen’s University Belfast
- 10.50 Applying to study Social Work at Ulster University / Belfast Met / South West College
- 11.00 A social worker in a Children and Families team (NHSCT)
- 11.10 A social worker in an Education setting (Education Authority Northern Ireland)
- 11.20 A social worker based in the community – Primary Care Multi-disciplinary team (WHSCT)
- 11.30 A social work student
- 11.40 A social worker in a voluntary sector service (Extern)
- 11.50 A social worker in a Mental Health Team (BHSCT)
- 12.00 A social worker in a Criminal Justice Setting (Probation Board for Northern Ireland)
- 12.10 Why Social Work works – the perspective of someone who has been supported through social work services
- 12.20 Conclusion
- 12.30 End
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