Would you like the opportunity to have your say in the Reform of Adult Social Care? Attend our virtual engagement event taking place online via Zoom on the Thursday 5th May. Your views will play a key role in supporting the Department to bring forward solutions and actions to meet the urgent as well as long term challenges facing the adult care and support system in Northern Ireland.
This consultation sets out the Department’s proposals for implementing the recommendations of the Power to People report, available on the DoH website.

This Event is Now Fully Booked

Unable to Attend the Engagement Events?
Ways to respond:
There will be a number of ways to help people to respond to the consultation.
Respondents do not have to address every question within the consultation and can focus on the questions or issues that are of particular interest.
- ONLINE – hosted on Citizen Space OR complete the Consultation Questionnaire (Click the link below)
- EMAIL – summary of your feedback to the consultation to Reform.CareandSupport@health-ni.gov.uk
- POST – summary of your feedback to the consultation (see address below)
Write to –
Reform to Adult Social Care Team
Deparment of Health
Room C3.19
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate