Working during the pandemic, we want to hear from you again! Health and Social Care Workforce Study.
Are you a social worker or social care worker who is currently employed or self-employed (agency workers), within any area of practice in the UK? We want to understand more about your quality of working life and coping in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The fourth phase of this study begins on 24th November 2021 until 4th February 2022. The links below will take you to further information about the study and to the survey which aims to explore the health and wellbeing of nurses, midwives, AHPs, social care workers and social workers in UK during the Pandemic. An overview of the findings from previous research findings can be found here.
If you would like further information about the research, please contact Patricia Gillen on p.gillen@ulster.ac.uk or the research team on hscworkforcestudy@gmail.com.
At the end of the survey, there is the opportunity to leave your details if you would like to take part in online focus groups which will take place in January/February 2022, or you can email, Patricia Gillen on p.gillen@ulster.ac.uk or the research team on hscworkforcestudy@gmail.com.
Please consider taking part as we would like to further explore the findings from the survey with health and social care front line workers, managers and Human resource managers from across the UK..
Funding: Phase 1 research was funded by seed funding from the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and the Southern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland. Phase 2 onwards was funded by the HSC Public Health Agency Northern Ireland, and the NIHR Policy Research Programme grant to the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce at King’s College London (grant number NIHR PR-PRU-1217-21002). In addition, employers, professional regulators, associations and workplace unions including NIPEC, the RCN, RCM, RCOT, BDA, COP, NI SCC. Scottish Social Services Council and Social Care Wales are helping to get the survey to potential participants. Community Care has helped with dissemination to social workers and social care workers UK wide. Sincere thanks to our funders and partners in support with this research.

Please scan the QR code or click here which will take you to some further information on the study and a questionnaire which will take 15 minutes to complete.