On the latest episode of ‘Care to chat?’, a podcast from the Northern Ireland Social Care Council’, the Northern Ireland Social Care Council’s Senior Leadership Team talk about the role of the Social Care Council, and the value of regulation for social workers and social care workers and most importantly for people receiving care and support.
As the Social Care Council reaches the end of its 21st year, Dr Wendy Austin MBE is joined by Patricia Higgins, CEO, Marian O’Rourke, Director of Regulation and Standards and Declan McAllister, Director of Registration and Corporate Services. She encourages them reflect on their own careers, the last 21 years and how the Social Care Council’s role now in supporting the social work and social care workforce is more important than ever.
Patricia Higgins said:
“We have a tremendous team in the Social Care Council, who all go above and beyond every day because collectively we believe in what we do. We believe in regulation and we believe in supporting social work and social care workers to be the best that they can be.
She continued:
“So, I think as we journey on, we want to continue in our system leadership role…in terms of influencing, making sure we listen carefully to our registrants and to those who use services and their carers, and influence change.”
For more information
The Social Care Council releases a new episode every fortnight, discussing current topics about social care and social work regulation in Northern Ireland. Download, subscribe and listen to the latest Social Care Council ‘Care to chat?’ podcast episode today here, or by searching ‘Care to chat’ in your podcast player.
If you have questions or feedback about the podcast, email comms@niscc.hscni.net.