We are recommencing on:
Wednesday 20 October 21,
2.00 – 3.45pm
‘ATTRACTING STAFF TO THE SOCIAL CARE SECTOR’ will have direct relevance to the Domiciliary Care sector at this challenging time’

‘As we commence our programme of virtual ECHO sessions for Year 3 of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council ECHO Knowledge Network, we would like to invite all Domiciliary Care Managers and Supervisors including those managing/providing Supported Living services to engage in these sessions.
We have planned a number of themes between now and June 2022 – the programme link is below:
Joining Details for our Attracting Staff to the Social Care Section Echo: https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 901 423 5621 Password: 6722
If you are new to our Social Care ECHO please register by emailing:
Elaine Kane, Network Co-Ordinator, Project ECHO at: e.kane@hospiceuk.org
Or follow the link: https://echonorthernireland.co.uk