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Review of the Degree in Social Work
This report is the outcome of the fourth Social Care Council’s Periodic Review of the Degree in Social Work (the Review). On the basis of annual monitoring over the past five years, and on the findings of this Review, the Social Care Council are satisfied that the provision of the Degree continues to meet the Social Care Council rules, standards and requirements.
October 2024
Economic and social value of the
UK adult social care sector in Northern Ireland
This report show’s a unique insight on the economic and social value of the adult social care sector in Northern Ireland.
July 2024
National Occupational Standards for Social Work – 2011
The National Occupational Standards for Social Work (NOS) were revised in 2011 and are published by the UK Commission for Education and Skills. The consultation exercise included people who use services, carers, employers, practitioners, government officials, representatives from further and higher education and from professional bodies.
Transforming Community Care – European Social Services Awards 2020
Find out more about each of the European Social Service Awards 2020 and its winners, including the Northern Ireland Social Care Council for “Best Team Award”.
February 2021
Voices of Social Work Through The Troubles
This research project undertaken in 2017–2018 explores the vital role social workers played during The Troubles in Northern Ireland (1969–1998), a subject previously unexamined in such a focused and rigorous manner.
February 2019
Shaping Social Workers’ Identity
The report explores the sense of identity of social workers and how that is formed. It challenges schools of social work and employers to be more active in supporting students and social workers to own and celebrate their professional identity.
October 2022
Social Work Leadership Framework
Describing the distinctive leadership role social workers play and in doing so will enable social work to participate effectively in collective leadership across all organisations that employ social workers including the Health and Social Care sector, Probation, Youth Justice, Education and the Voluntary and Community Sector.
April 2022
Relationships Matter
An analysis of complaints about social workers to the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and the Patient and Client Council.
December 2018
Social Care Matters
Challenges and Opportunities for the Social Care workforce in Northern Ireland.
October 2017
Assessing the Economic Value of the Adult Social Care Sector in Northern Ireland
This independent evaluation has been produced to help establishments within the sector inform policy makers about the contribution of the Adult Social Care sector to the local economy.
July 2017