Annually, World Social Work Day is an important way to celebrate the contribution social workers make both internationally and locally, with the theme this year being Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity for Enduring Wellbeing.
On behalf of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council I want to wish our social workers, social work leaders, and social work students, a happy World Social Work Day. I also want to thank you for all you do and acknowledge your contribution to caring, supporting and respecting across the generations to build strong communities, share wisdom and support wellbeing.
For this year’s celebration, our ‘Thank you’ campaign reminds us all about the important and varied roles social workers play in our communities. We celebrate the future of the profession by telling your stories from across health and social care, justice, education, community and voluntary sector and any settings where social workers are making a difference. Stories from students, newly qualified social workers, and those with more experience, all demonstrate that in sharing knowledge, leading by example, embracing innovation and nurturing confidence and competence the future of social work is full of opportunity.
This is also a day where all social workers can take time to reflect, celebrate and acknowledge their colleagues, for all that you do every day to support the communities
Finally, we would like to thank those who have taken the time to tell us their stories as part of our celebratory activities.
Happy World Social Work Day!
Declan McAlister
Interim Chief Executive
Social Care Council
For more information
Follow the conversation on social media and help share our stories about social workers, using the #WSWD2025, #Yes2SocialWork and #SocialWorkStories campaign hashtags.
Looking for a career as a social worker? To train to be a social worker in Northern Ireland you need to complete the Honours Degree in Social Work. Check out our Interested in becoming a social worker? page for more information.