The 11th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference has taken place in Belfast, hosted by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (the Social Care Council).
The theme of this year’s conference was Collaborating to deliver safe and effective services: how research supports identity and addresses challenges.
The conference had a specific focus on mental health and wellbeing for social work and social care staff, with key note speeches around safe staffing and retention in social work from Dr Paula McFadden of Ulster University and Patricia Nicholl of Queen’s University Belfast. There was an exploration of mindfulness-based practices to improve well-being from Dr Alan Maddock of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
The conference also addressed the importance of identity, drawing on the All-Ireland Study, Shaping Social Work Identity from Carolyn Ewart of the British Association of Social Workers NI. The importance of honest conversations was brought to life from Nick Andrews and Professor Fiona Verity of Brunel University.

Other presentations came from Health and Social Care Trusts, Queen’s University Belfast, Ulster University, the Probation Board of Northern Ireland as well as representatives from professional bodies and educational institutions from across Ireland and the UK.
Over 120 guests were in attendance including social workers, researchers, managers; academics and people who use social work and social care services
Patricia Higgins, Chief Executive, Social Care Council said:
“This is the first Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference hosted by the Social Care Council since the organisation has taken on the responsibility of driving the social care and social work research agenda.
“This conference is just part of our ambition to develop a Centre of Excellence for social work and social care education, leadership, and research, which will support improvement and transformation in our health and social care services.”
“This opportunity to share and disseminate research and evidence is crucial for taking forward the next stages of our strategic agenda for social work and social care,” she added.
Anne McGlade, conference organiser and Social Care Research Lead for the Social Care Council said:
“This event is the pinnacle of the social work and social care calendar, with research and innovation a key part of the agenda.
“Being able to bring together this network to share good practice and generate new ideas will prove productive for the sector for years to come. It is evident from today that there are new partnerships and engagements just waiting to happen.”