THURSDAY 19 MAY 2022; 2:00-3:30pm
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council ECHO Knowledge Network Hub would like to invite those with an interest in Care at Home (Domiciliary Care and Supported Living), especially Managers and Supervisors from provider organisations, to join this virtual session on 19 May; see agenda below.
The theme for this session is ‘FITNESS TO PRACTISE: Lessons Learnt & Record Keeping and Record Management for Staff’. The following issues will be addressed:
- An overview of Fitness to Practise (FTP)
- The Social Care Council’s approach to FTP
- Employers’ responsibilities/What needs to be referred to FTP, and who can refer?
- Clarity on the thresholds for referrals to FTP
- The interface between disciplinaries and FTP. Does a suspension trigger a referral to FTP?
- The processes involved in a referral to FTP & the records required to be submitted and retained
- What, normally, gets screened out?
- Feedback to organisations
- Good practice examples
A presentation will be provided by the Social Care Council’s Fitness to Practise Team Manager. There will be an additional presentation by the Council’s Workforce Development Officer (Digital Learning/Learning Zone) about a digital learning resource that is relevant for all social care workers across all settings and services which has been developed to support the Standards of Conduct and Practice for social care workers in their day to day work. There will be two open discussion/ Q & A sessions. These will provide opportunities for participants to further explore the theme for this session and other current issues impacting on Care at Home.
If you have not previously registered for this Network please do so by cop on 18 May by contacting Elaine Kane (e.kane@hospiceuk.org).
Kind regards,
Paul Rooney, Mervyn Bothwell, Meta Keenan, Alistair Fitzsimons, Julie Dickenson and Roisin Doyle
(Hub members)
AGENDA: ‘FITNESS TO PRACTISE: Lessons Learnt & Record Keeping and Risk Management for Staff’- 19 May 2022
- 2:00-2:05 pm – Welcome, Introductions and Housekeeping-Julie & Elaine
- 2:05-2:35 pm – Presentation 1: Fitness to Practise-Laura McCullough, Fitness to Practise Team Manager, Social Care Council
- 2:35-2:50 pm – Open Q & A/discussion-All
- 2:50-3:05 pm – Presentation 2: ‘Making the Right Decision’-Mairead Harkin, Workforce Development Officer (Digital Learning/Learning Zone), Social Care Council
- 3:05-3:20 pm – Discussion on social care issues impacting on Care at Home
- 3:20-3:30 pm – Next session-15 June 2022: ‘Staff Mental Health and Resilience’- Mervyn
- 3:30pm -Close
The above agenda may be subject to change prior to the ECHO session.