The Social Care Council invites Domiciliary Care workers, including Supported Living workers to attend virtual learning sessions:
Project ECHO – Mental Health and Wellbeing-Supporting Staff
The ‘Northern Ireland Social Care Council ECHO Knowledge Network’ Hub would like to invite Domiciliary Care/Support Managers and Supervisors to join the virtual session scheduled for 11 December 2020.
The theme for this session is Mental Health and Wellbeing-Supporting Staff which will be especially relevant during these exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday 11th December
Target audience:
Domiciliary Care managers and supervisors working across Northern Ireland

Register by e-mailing: Elaine Kane, Network Co-ordinator, Project ECHO at: or follow the link:
Guidance for the Supported Living Sector on managing the transmission of Covid-19
The Department of Health in conjunction with the Health and Social Care Board and Health and Social Care Trusts has developed Guidance for the Supported Living Sector on managing the transmission of Covid-19. The guidance is available on the Department of Health website and is subject to review.
Sessions have been organised to obtain feedback from the Supported Living sector on implementation of the guidance in terms of what is working well and any suggestions for improvement.
Tuesday 15th December
12:30-2pm or
Wednesday 16th December
9:30-11am or
Thursday 17th December
*NB You only need to attend one session
Target Audience:
Registered Supported living Scheme Managers, Domiciliary Care Service Managers and Health and Social Care Trust Supported Living Leads

Zoom joining details:
Meeting id: 472 215 6288
Password: SLC-19
**NB – Requirement to have your camera switched on