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Internationally Qualified Social Workers


There are over 6,000 social workers registered with the Social Care Council and approximately 70 are Internationally Qualified Social Workers (IQSW). We are committed to raising standards and apply a rigorous, transparent and fair approach to determine Social Care Council registration and the right to practise in Northern Ireland.

Click here to register as an Internationally Qualified Social Worker

International applications to register with the Social Care Council

1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024
Applications received10
Applications approved with no conditions1
Applications approved with conditions3
Applications ongoing11
Unsuccessful applications 0
1 October 2022 – 31 September 2023
Applications received15
Applications approved with no conditions4
Applications approved with conditions3
Applications ongoing*24
Unsuccessful applications 2
*Of the 24 ongoing applications, 12 of these were received prior to 1 October 2022.
July 2022- October 2022
Applications received6
Applications approved with no conditions0
Applications approved with conditions5
Applications ongoing 1
Unsuccessful applications 0

All approved applicants had obtained a qualification in social work and met placement requirements to the satisfaction of the Social Care Council.

Conditions included: undertaking the Assessed Year in Employment, obtaining two requirements in the Professional in Practice Framework.

All successful applicants are advised regarding annual fee/ maintaining registration including a minimum of 90 hours training, learning development required every three years.

Reasons for these decisions were provided for applicants along with information on a possible pathway to registration.

This information was updated on : 16 July 2024

If you are unable to apply using our online portal we also have a manual application form that you can fill in below:

Guidance for Internationally Qualified Social Workers

*Language Proficiency information can be found in the General Guidance Notes General Information on pages 19-21 and General Guidance Notes Applying via the Portal on pages 17-18.

English language skills – What the Social Care Council requires find out here.

Find out more from our Internationally Qualified Social Workers

Moving to live and work in another country is complicated and some of our Internationally Qualified Social Workers have kindly shared some of the information they have learned on their journey to completing their Social Care Council registration and practising as a social worker in Northern Ireland:

Click the quotes below to read each IQSW’s full profiles:

TUSLA Dual Registration Information Session