Are you a social worker, social care worker, nurse, midwife or allied health professional (AHP), who is currently employed or self-employed (agency workers), within any area of practice in the UK? We want to understand more about your quality of working life and coping in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
This is the second in a series of three surveys directed towards health and social care workforce and this survey has built on the findings from the first phase to ensure we are asking relevant questions. We are interested in professional quality of working life, social and emotional wellbeing, including burnout and methods of coping to explore how these have changed over the last six months as the Pandemic has progressed.
Please scan the QR code below or click here to see some further information on the study and a questionnaire which will take 15 minutes to complete.

Please share this invitation to take part in this research (via social media or email) with social work, social care, nursing, midwifery and AHP friends and colleagues who work in the UK.
An overview of the findings from the Phase 1 survey can be found here. If you would like to see the full report and/or further information about the research, please contact Paula McFadden on p.mcfadden@ulster.ac.uk or Patricia Gillen on p.gillen@ulster.ac.uk.
The research is funded by the Public Health Agency HSC Research and Development in Northern Ireland. In addition, employers, professional regulators, associations and workplace unions including NIPEC, the RCN, RCM, RCOT, BDA, COP, NI SCC. Scottish Social Services Council and Social Care Wales are helping to get the survey to potential participants. Community Care © has helped with dissemination to social workers and social care workers UK wide. Sincere thanks to our funders and partners in support with this research.