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Lunchtime Seminar - Supporting LGBTQ+ children and young people

Venue: Zoom
Date: 16th October 2024
Time: 12.00pm - 1.30pm

About this seminar

For more than 47 years, Professor Gary Mallon has been a child welfare practitioner, advocate, educator, and researcher. Prosessor Gary Mallon was the first child welfare professional in the U.S. to research, write about, and develop programs for LGBTQ+ youth in child welfare settings.  He has also written extensively about LGBTQ+ foster and adoptive parenting.  Dr Danielle Mackle is a lecturer in social work at Queen’s University Belfast and has been working with and conducting research on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community in Northern Ireland for over 10 years.

This session is designed to draw on the experiences of Professor Mallon and Dr Mackle to better understand how we can best support our LGBTQ+ children and young people involved in social work services in the Northern Ireland context.

Presented by:
Professor Gary Mallon, Professor of Child Welfare, Hunter College, New York City
Dr Danielle Mackle, Queen’s University Belfast

All of the Social Care Council Lunchtime Seminars are free and open for anyone to attend. To reserve your place just click the button below.

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Further Info: Email Alison Shaw at: