Social Care Council launches consultation on future strategic direction
Consultation now closed
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council has today launched a consultation seeking views from the public, social care and social work professionals and health and social care sector partners on the proposed draft Strategic plan 2023 – 2027.
The Social Care Council is the regulator for social workers and social care workers, and is very mindful of the valuable and important role provided by that workforce to many people across Northern Ireland.
The impact of Covid, the financial pressures facing communities and the workforce pressures across the health and social care system, provide a challenging environment in which that workforce is delivering services.
Stakeholders across Northern Ireland are invited to respond to the twelve-week consultation. Social Care Council Chief Executive, Patricia Higgins said:
“The Social Care Council needs to be able to do its work effectively and efficiently. To do this the proposed strategic priorities in the Strategic Plan are designed to make sure we continue to protect the public, while also supporting the social care and social work workforce. We encourage everyone who wants to have their say to respond so that they can inform our work for the future.”
The consultation is available on the Council’s website, where you can also find out about the work the Council is doing to support the workforce.
What is happening?
The public consultation on the Social Care Council’s draft Strategic plan 2023 – 2027 – Supporting safety, quality, and improvement in social work and social care is now open.
Date launched: 16 January 2023
Closing date: 10 March 2023
This consultation will be of most interest to:
• Registered social workers, social care workers and social work students
• Other health professionals
• Health and social care organisations
• Independent and third sector providers
• The education, justice and community sectors engaged with social work and social care services
• Members of the community who receive health and social care services, and
• Wider stakeholders.
Consultation subject and purpose
This consultation is to gather stakeholders’ views on the Social Care Council’s proposed strategic priorities contained within its draft Strategic plan 2023 – 2027 and to seek any other views about its working going forward.
It is proposed that the priorities put forward would enable the Social Care Council to more effectively support social work and social care registrants to meet these challenges and provide safe, effective, quality care.
Consultation pack
This consultation pack provides the background information and details you will need to know to respond to the questions in this consultation.
Important: How to respond
We would strongly advise that you respond to the consultation using the survey link provided below. However, if this is not possible, you can email our Communications/Business Support Team on to discuss the additional support you need to access and complete the survey.
Related consultation documents are below, including a copy of the draft Strategic Plan 2023-27.

Related content on the Social Care Council
Northern Ireland Social Care Council – About us
Annual report – 2021- 2022
Quality 2020 Annual Progress Report
Further information
All survey responses will be anonymised, treated in confidence and held securely until the evaluation of feedback is completed and the final version of the strategic plan is published.