Did you watch ‘Blue Lights’ on the BBC like the rest of us? In the latest ‘Care to chat’ podcast episode, we hear about the inspiration behind giving the main character and ‘beating heart of the show’, rookie PSNI Officer Grace, a background in social work.
Host Dr Wendy Austin MBE, is joined by Declan Lawn, one of the writers and creators of the acclaimed ‘Blue Lights’ drama series on the BBC.
They speak about why being a social worker is such an integral part of Grace’s character, why that is central to the series, and how through researching for the show, he has come to appreciate the role social workers play in the lives of our community.
Declan Lawn talks about the value of social work saying, ‘There’s very few people in life who sit you down and look you in the eye and listen to what you’re saying and usually if they are your paying them for it…like a therapist or a counsellor or something…but I think social workers from what I see, they do that every day, they are listeners.’
The Social Care Council releases a new episode every fortnight, discussing current topics about social care and social work regulation in Northern Ireland. Download, subscribe and listen to the latest Social Care Council ‘Care to chat?’ podcast episode today here, or by searching ‘Care to chat’ in your podcast player.
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If you have questions or feedback about the podcast, email comms@niscc.hscni.net.