Northern Ireland has changed a great over the last 25 years, and as the Good Friday Agreement reaches that milestone, it is timely that we look at the social care and social work workforce as part of a diversity and inclusive workforce across Northern Ireland.
In the latest ‘Care to chat’ podcast episode, you can hear reflections about what equality, diversity and inclusion mean to the social care and social work workforce and where the challenges lie.
Our host Dr Wendy Austin MBE speaks to Professor of Social Policy at the Ulster University, Professor Ann-Marie Gray and Paul Rooney, Professional Advisor with the Social Care Council. Both agree that attracting a diverse workforce to social care and social work as careers is of the utmost importance, which is part of creating a prosperous society for all.
Sounds interesting? We agree.
Professor Gray said:
“Equality as at the heart of the Good Friday Agreement and we have come some long way in terms of addressing the violence, but we have come much less of a way in terms of the everyday ‘piece’, if you like, addressing these equality and justice issues.
She continued:
“I do think we’re finding ourselves in a place now that there’s increasing recognition that we need to be moving forward a bit more rapidly to give people confidence that peace is working for them…And some of the users of social work and social care, some of the most vulnerable people in our society, and they’re the people who have maybe in some ways benefited lease from the peace dividend. You know, if they are living in really difficult social economic circumstance. So I think in order for those people to be supported, we need to support the workforce.”
The Social Care Council releases a new episode every fortnight, discussing current topics about social care and social work regulation in Northern Ireland. Download, subscribe and listen to the latest Social Care Council ‘Care to chat?’ podcast episode today here, or by searching ‘Care to chat’ in your podcast player.
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