Following the continuing success of the Lunchtime Seminar Series, the Social Care Council has released the first two dates for seminars in 2024.
Seminars are presented through Zoom so social workers and social care workers across Northern Ireland can attend virtually and not miss out. Each one has a particular focus covering anything from physical health to mental health to best practise.
The aim is to help social workers, social work students and social care workers develop professionally, gaining new skills they can put into every day practise, but seminars are open to all. To join simply follow the links below to register.
The first two seminars of the year are currently open for registration. Their details are below – click on the image for full details ad to register

Presented by Martina Jordan, Restorative Practices Trainer and Facilitator.
This seminar will provide an understanding of:
- The theory, principles and fundamental skills underpinning restorative practices.
- The congruence between relational and restorative practices.
- What restorative interventions look like via case studies.

Presented by Lisa Morrison, Participation and Practice of Rights (PPR).
This session will:
- Talk about what we mean by human-rights, trauma-informed approaches and what this looks like in practice.
- Share findings from asking people what they want their ‘New Script’ for Mental Health to say.
- Share poetry and short stories about the power of activism.
- Inform people about the different ways they can get involved and support this growing, inclusive, social movement.