To meet the criteria for registration Social Care Workers must have secured a position in one of the settings listed below:
– Adult Residential Care Worker
– Day Care Worker
– Domiciliary Care Worker
– Residential Childcare Worker
– Residential Family Centre Worker
– Supported Living Worker
To apply for registration as a Social Care Worker you must:
– Be employed in a social care organisation or
– Be registered for social care work with a recruitment agency or
– Have a start date for a social care position you have been offered and accepted
You should apply for registration providing the details of this post.
If you are new to social care, and never previously worked in a social care role, you must apply to register as soon as you take up your post (if an offer of employment has been made and you accepted the post), and you must successfully achieve registration within six months.
There are two types of social care registrants:
– If you are new to social care, this means if you have never worked in a registered social care role before, you will need to apply for registration as soon as you take up the post and must achieve registration within six months of taking up that post.
– If you have worked in a registered social care role before, for any length of time or have taken a break and are getting back into social care employment – you will need to be registered again before taking up any new post. When offered a post you cannot start in your new post until registration has been confirmed.
To submit an application, you will need to create an online account, or login to your existing account via the following link and complete the online application form: portal.niscc.org
In order for your application to be fully processed and approved for registration it must be ENDORSED.
You must:
Submit a completed online Application Form which has been endorsed by your employing organisation. When applying to register as a Social Care Worker, you will be asked to enter the name of the person from your employing organisation who will endorse your application. An endorsement of your application is then completed by your endorser via their own online account.
Registrants will continue to be provided with routine reminders in the future. Upon receipt of a reminder, payment of fees and submission of renewals should be made as soon as possible via the online portal in order to maintain registration status. All registrants are reminded to access their accounts regularly to ensure their details are up to date and to verify fees and renewal due dates. With our new portal, it will be easier and quicker for you to register, pay your fees and keep your information up to date.
Click on the link below to access our Registration Portal