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Active Interim Orders


In cases where a Committee considers that allowing a registrant to continue practising in their current role would be a significant risk to the public, the Social Care Council may apply to a Preliminary Proceedings Committee for an Interim Conditions of Practice Order (ICPO) or Interim Suspension Order ISO). Preliminary Proceedings Committees are not held in public.  

If you have a query relating to an ISO, please contact the  Fitness to Practise Team in confidence:

Interim Conditions of Practice Order (ICPO)

An Interim Conditions of Practice Order (ICPO) temporarily places conditions upon a Registrant’s registration while the investigation is taking place. A Registrant will be able to continue working while the ICPO is in place, however, there will be conditions on his / her practice. The type of conditions that could be imposed may be:

to undertake specific training within a defined period and provide evidence of the successful completion of that training to the Social Care Council;
to provide the Social Care Council with a monthly report signed by his / her employer confirming that he / she is complying with a relevant requirement , e.g. not undertaking a particular activity without supervision; adhering to employer policies and procedures.

An ICPO may be set for any length of time (but only up to six months initially), with set review periods during its term, and cannot be imposed for more than two years in total. The Committee may decide, based on the information from the Social Care Council and the Registrant, that the Registrant’s fitness to practise may be impaired and that it should therefore be referred to a Fitness to Practise Committee to make a final decision on the matter.

Interim Suspension Order (ISO)

If we consider that the information received shows that a Registrant may pose a risk to the public, colleagues, or service users, or that it is in the public interest, or in the interest of a Registrant, it can recommend that the Committee imposes an Interim Suspension Order (ISO). An ISO suspends a registered worker from the Register on a temporary basis while the case is being investigated. It means that:

a Registrant will be unable to work in a role that requires Registration whilst the Order is in place.
a Social Worker will be unable to work as or call himself / herself a registered social worker or work in a role which requires registration while the Order is active.
a Social Care Manager or a Social Care Worker will not be able to work in a role which requires a registrant to be registered with the Social Care Council while the Order is active.
a Social Work Student will be suspended from their course while the Order is active.

An ISO may be set for any length of time (but only up to six months initially), with set review periods during its term, and cannot be imposed for more than two years in total except in exceptional circumstances, for example, where a criminal conviction case is on-going.

All active Interim Suspension Orders and Interim Conditions of Practice Orders are published in this section of the website.

Ailish Maire Griffin
Registration no. 6008669
Social Worker
28/11/2023Interim Suspension Order
Ajay Seby
Registration no. 7027599
Social Care Worker
13/06/2024Interim Suspension Order
Arjean Vincent Lombard
Registration no. 7001648
Social Care Worker
08/06/2023Interim Suspension Order
Belinda Jane Doyle
Registration no. 7007818
Social Care Worker
23/03/2023Interim Suspension Order
Beverly Verzonilla
Registration no. 6014150
Social Care Worker
12/04/2024Interim Suspension Order
Brendan Dickey
Registration no. 1147354
Social Care Worker
04/04/2024Interim Suspension Order
Caitlin Rose Donnelly
Registration no. 6036628
Social Care Worker
15/12/2022Interim Suspension Order
Caoimhe McCotter
Registration no. 7008320
Social Care Worker
12/04/2021Interim Suspension Order
Carla Ann Wilson
Registration no. 1147961
Social Care Worker
25/06/2024Interim Suspension Order
Caroline Anne McAleese
Registration no. 7014213
Social Care Worker
14/03/2024Interim Suspension Order
Charlene Pickering
Registration no. 7000864
Social Care Worker
29/04/2022Interim Suspension Order
Claire Lynch
Registration no. 7007200
Social Care Worker
23/08/2023Interim Suspension Order
Colette Cassidy
Registration no. 6036297
Social Care Worker
29/09/2022Interim Suspension Order
David Jonathan Lee
Registration no. 6040540
Social Care Worker
12/04/2024Interim Suspension Order
Ebrima Jallow
Registration no. 7019676
Social Care Worker
29/09/2022Interim Suspension Order
Eileen Sarah Margaret Scott
Registration no. 6014466
Social Worker
30/08/2022Interim Suspension Order
Eric Augusto Akassou
Registration no. 7021651
Social Care Worker
10/03/2023Interim Suspension Order
Eugene Odhiambo Oduor
Registration no. 6015618
Social Care Worker
22/09/2023Interim Suspension Order
Georgina Martin
Registration no. 7000530
Social Care Worker
13/10/2022Interim Suspension Order
Heather Ann McCarroll
Registration no. 6025484
Social Worker
20/07/2023Interim Suspension Order
Holly Mary Kilmartin
Registration no. 7029478
Social Care Worker
25/04/2024Interim Suspension Order
Ian Jackson
Registration no. 6019370
Social Care Worker
23/02/2024Interim Suspension Order
Jacqueline Elizabeth French
Registration no. 6025705
Social Care Worker
08/09/2022Interim Suspension Order
Jenna McGlade
Registration no. 7002361
Social Care Worker
23/11/2023Interim Suspension Order
Jennifer Louise Ferguson
Registration no. 6025774
Social Care Worker
06/12/2023Interim Suspension Order
Jennifer McCreary
Registration no. 6039324
Social Care Worker
25/06/2024Interim Suspension Order
John Patrick Beckett
Registration no. 6008113
Social Care Worker
23/03/2023Interim Suspension Order
Karen Mary Coyle
Registration no. 7004728
Social Care Worker
17/11/2023Interim Conditions of Practice Order
Kirsty Wharry
Registration no. 7019231
Social Care Worker
13/12/2023Interim Suspension Order
Leiontia Hodkinson
Registration no. 7024256
Social Care Worker
14/12/2023Interim Conditions of Practice Order
Liam McCaugherty
Registration no. 7011599
Social Care Worker
09/05/2024Interim Suspension Order
Linda Graham
Registration no. 7005925
Social Care Worker
20/07/2023Interim Suspension Order
Malgorzata Skwara
Registration no. 2040842
Social Care Worker
23/05/2024Interim Suspension Order
Maria Fredrika Dilworth
Registration no. 7016850
Social Care Worker
27/06/2024Interim Suspension Order
Melanie Jayne Vint
Registration no. 6006965
Social Care Worker
14/09/2023Interim Suspension Order
Michael Gerard Curoe
Registration no. 6032700
Social Care Worker
11/03/2021Interim Suspension Order
Nancy Gardner Harland
Registration no. 6005379
Social Care Worker
31/03/2023Interim Suspension Order
Omowunmi Osewunmi Macaulay
Registration no. 7028314
Social Care Worker
25/04/2024Interim Suspension Order
Peter Doyle
Registration no. 6002277
Social Care Worker
26/11/2021Interim Suspension Order
Ryan Barry Mills
Registration no. 6040787
Social Care Worker
27/10/2023Interim Suspension Order
Samantha Louise Noble
Registration no. 7025640
Social Care Worker
05/12/2023Interim Suspension Order
Sandra Misiuniene
Registration no. 7016020
Social Care Worker
14/12/2023Interim Suspension Order
Sharon McAuley
Registration no. 7020077
Social Care Worker
13/12/2023Interim Suspension Order
Shaun Lynch
Registration no. 7002978
Social Care Worker
09/07/2021Interim Suspension Order
Sophie Lucinda Ferguson
Registration no. 7019583
Social Care Worker
06/12/2023Interim Suspension Order
Tara Louise Mary O'Kane
Registration no. 2016872
Social Care Worker
10/09/2021Interim Suspension Order
Tatenda Ndanatsei Macheka
Registration no. 7026979
Social Care Worker
26/09/2023Interim Suspension Order