All registrants must maintain their registration for as long as they are in practice. This includes renewing their registration at the end of each three/five year registration period, using the Online Portal will help process registration. If you are unable to renew online, contact the Customer Service Team:
Social work students are registered for a maximum of eight years to allow them to complete their Degree course. Students are not required to renew registration during that period.
The Renewal Process

We will contact you to remind you to renew your registration at least 6 weeks before your renewal is due. To renew your registration, you must complete an application and confirm:
– Your continued good character, good conduct, and competence;
– Your current physical and mental fitness to perform whole or part of the work of a registered worker;
– Your agreement to continue to uphold and work to the Standards of Conduct and Practice;
– You have completed 90 hours of Post Registration Training & Learning;
– You have fulfilled any condition attached to your previous registration;
– You are up-to-date with all previous annual payments and pay the accompanying fee;
– You have completed a PRTL Audit Form (if you have been requested to do so);
If your renewal application is successful, you will be registered for a further three/five year period.
Registrants who do not apply for renewal will be removed from the Register and will be unable to practise in their social work/social care job role.
Employers will be informed automatically when a registration is not renewed.